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1. “软件产品”许可证(或硬件锁):
.应用软件 您可在单一计算机上安装使用本“软件产品”的一份副本。
.备用副本 您可在储存装置储存“软件产品”的可读格式制作一个副本,以供系统损坏时复制原件之用。
. 硬件锁 SPDA系统使用硬件锁(USB接口加密锁)。
2. 其他权利和限制说明:
. 不得对本系统进行逆向工程、反汇编或解体拆卸;
. 如果将“软件产品”或拷贝的全部或局部转手给另一使用方之时,您的许可权即自行终止。
3. 软件版本更新
4. “软件产品”产权和著作权
ShangHai Piping Software CO.,LTD.
End User License Agreement
The "End User License Agreement" to send Software goods from producers to users about "SPDA pipeline engineering design support system" software product (hereinafter referred to as "Software Product"), a legal agreement ("Agreement"). The "Software Product" includes computer software, associated media, any printed materials and online electronic documents. Once you install and use "software products", you agree to accept the "agreement" of the conditions. If you do not agree with this "agreement" conditions, please do not install or use the "Software Product"; you can return it to the original seller, and receive a full refund.
Software Product License Agreement
The "Software Product" copyrighted and protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You can not arbitrarily remove the copyright notice or any form of illegal copies of the system and related documentation.
1. "Software" license (or hardware lock):
. You can be in a single application installed on your computer using the "software" of a copy.
. You can backup copies stored in the storage device "software product" in a readable format to make a copy of the original copy for the damage to the system for use.
The hardware lock SPDA system hardware lock (USB interface dongle).
2. Description of other rights and restrictions:
. No part of this system, reverse engineer, disassemble or disintegration of the demolition;
If the "Software Product" or copy all or part of hands to another party to use when your license is self-terminated.
. This "software" is treated as a single product was awarded the license to use, not to separate the various parts of the module on multiple computers.
. If the "Software Product" labeled "can not be sold," the word, you shall not sell or otherwise transfer the paid "software products."
. May not rent or lease the "Software Product."
. Software Co., Ltd. Shanghai faction products may provide technical services to provide to you any additional software code belong to the "software" part, by the "agreement" with the terms and conditions. The materials you provide to send the software support services as part of the technical information, product software can send the information for commercial purposes, including product support and development. Faction in the use of these software products without technical information to a form that personally to you.
3. Software version updates
Such as the "Software Product" is labeled an updated version, you must obtain the appropriate license to use the software to send items marked eligible to use the updated version of the product. Identified as an updated version of the "software" instead of and (or) supplement form you are eligible to use the updated version of the base product, you may be the only "agreement" with the terms of the resulting product updates. Such as the "Software Product" is the product that you licensed as a single set of software packages used in the updated version of a component, then the "Software Product" is only available as part of that single product package and the use and transfer.
4. "Software Product" property and copyright
The "Software Product" (including the "Software Product" contained any images, photographs, animation, video, audio, music, text and small applications), the accompanying printed materials, and the "software" of any copies property rights and copyright, to ShangHai Piping Software CO., LTD
ShangHai Piping Software CO., LTD limited by guarantee, under normal use circumstances, since the date of sale, within ninety days of its software without the carrier material or workmanship, with some hardware lock system is working properly (if with the "software" configuration ). Proven to be defective, the Company returned all the responsibility is the carrier of its software or hardware locks; is the only compensation to you. Due to accident, abuse or misapplication defects caused by the carrier, after-sales warranty.
The guarantees, whether that means or metaphor, in order to guarantee the entire contents, including the specific purpose of marketability and adaptability of the application security. Whether or not follow this agreement, arising from the use of the system: the loss of profits, availability disappear, business interruption, or any form of indirect, special, incidental or consequential damage, or any other party's claims, the Company and its agents , the sales person is not responsible for; even ShangHai Piping Software CO., LTD was informed in advance of such things may happen, it is not responsible.
In addition to the above, the system does not enjoy any other form of after-sales warranty.
Upon termination:
You breach any provision of this Agreement and the conditions, the Company may terminate the license at any time. Permit termination, you must immediately destroy all copies of the system and documentation, or return to the Company.
Applicable law:
The agreement to the PRC, "Intellectual Property Rights Protection Ordinance", "copyright copyright law," "Patent Law" and other relevant legal basis.
Copyright (C) 2010
ShangHai Piping Software CO., LTD
Wuning Road, Shanghai No. 1, Lane 955 Xinggang Business Building, Room 1005,
Postal Code: 200063
Tel ,021 -52,665,671 -52,665,670
Website: www.piping.sh.cn